Monday 13 September 2010

Analysis of a Front Cover

     The genre of this magazine is music and it is quite a rock based magazine, the audience of the magazine is mainly teenagers as that is the main audience of the type of music featured.

     The colours used in the magazine are quite dark colours and mainly red and black which are traditionally quite rockish colours as they are normally associated with 'dark' things and such as the  title is shaped as though it is broken/smashed glass as though to give it a violent theme commonly associated with rock.

     Most of the text used are in the normally places they would be expected to be such as the masthead, cover lines, skyline and the lead article, the text is in quite basic colours but used together as to differentiate it from the images and make it pop out and white is a good colour to choose as in most Rock magazines there are dark colours and white is a colour that is only made more visual in front of dark colours as it is pretty opposite to the dark colours. The masthead is behind the main image it is still a prominent feature, all the text is the same colour to give it continuity although they are different sizes to differentiate the importance of the text.


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